Thursday, April 10, 2008

Online Marketing - Myspace Marketing Strategy From An Internet Marketing Guru

Myspace marketing is great way to market your product. But most myspace marketers start off on the wrong foot, and think that they should create a profile dedicated to their product. This is a horrible tactic. You will be seen as a spammer and no one will go to you anymore. As an internet marketer, you need to know that your web traffic is important, but keeping that web traffic is even more important.

So here is a crash course on how to really do myspace marketing.

THIS IS IMPORTANT! YOU HAVE TO MARKET YOURSELF! If you want to be successful as a marketer, you have to learn to market yourself, not your product. Myspace marketing is about selling yourself, and creating relationships. When you create a relationship, only then, will you see money coming in from your myspace marketing. So take off all over your ads on your myspace and dedicate it to yourself, so then people can realize that you are a real person.

Your about me section is going to be the most vital section in your whole myspace. This is where people can learn who you are and what you do. So in this section, talk about yourself and only briefly about what you do for a living. Only say briefly that you sell soap, or whatever. Keep it at about 1-2 sentences. This marketing tactic is called seed marketing. That is where you plant a seed in your customer, they see that you sell soap, so now they know that they can come to you to learn more about soap and where to buy it. Now you have a potential customer. It is vital that you don't send spam messages or comments to this person talking about soap, because if you do, he's just going to ignore, delete it, and he'll just forget all about you.

In myspace marketing, your supposed to be marketing your yourself, and create relationships with your traffic. When you do this, your traffic will turn into your profit.

Want to learn how to make some serious online income? Sign up for my FR-EE online money making ecourse by Clicking Here Now, and I'll teach you how to do it step by step!



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