Internet Marketing Tips - Long Term Strategy
One of the biggest mistakes I see people making, those who are trying to earn a living online, is that they think too short term. They tell me things like, "I need to make $2,000 in a week. How can I do it?" I can't even begin to tell you all the things that are wrong with this type of thinking. However, the focus of this article is not to point out all that is wrong with short term thinking but how to think long term and profit from it. It is my hope that after reading this article that your short term way of doing things, if you have been guilty of it, will be a thing of the past.
Long term strategy, or planning, is simple in concept. It's planning for the long haul. In other words, instead of planning to make money in a week, you're planning on how you're going to make money for years to come. Yes, the concept is simple. However, the actual execution is not so simple. There are many ways to develop a long term strategy depending on what your business is. This article is going to focus on just one long term strategy and you can apply it to your own business.
The business we're going to tackle is somebody who is selling "how to make money books" to other online marketers. The usual mind-set for this strategy is to develop a product and then go out and try to sell as many of this product as possible. While this may present you with a short term income, it doesn't provide for the long term. Why? Because eventually, as the buzz dies down, your one shot product is going to stop selling. So how do we correct this?
A simple blueprint for correcting this problem is simple. You first create a short report that you give away to people for free in exchange for them opting into your list. That's right, free. This will attract a large number of subscribers. Just make sure the report is solid and relates well to your lead in product. Your lead in product is going to be one that is on the inexpensive side; probably from $27 to $97. This product will be sold to the people on your list who enjoyed your report. But we're not done.
After your lead in product sells, you will then develop a more sophisticated product that maybe goes into more detail than your lead in product. This product you'll sell for maybe $197 to $497 or more. Those who were satisfied with your lead in product will probably purchase this one.
You will then continue this process, moving up to a $997 product and then maybe to a $2,000 to $5,000 seminar. This way, people that you got into your sales funnel back in, say 2007, will still be purchasing products from you years in the future.
This is long term strategy and it is very effective.
To YOUR Success,
Steven Wagenheim
Tired of busting your behind for peanuts online? Go to my web site and find out how I earn a monthly income that exceeds 5 figures and how I can help YOU do the same. Get your free report at
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